personally i think yuji's onsight is the most impressive as it shows how strong, experienced, determined, focused, prepared, etc etc etc he is... and what IS possible on a first try... not that just anyone can climb 15a, but there are scores that with enough training and practice could climb it. an onsight at that level requires everything to be perfect.
if you haven't yet, watch that video.... it says enough.
and yah, realization is bolted. and there are other 15a sport routes out there , but as far as i know, realization is the only repeated one (anyone know of another?). There are also some unconfirmed 15b routes out there... akira, chilam bilam... but i figured i'd stick to confirmed grades
article on
caldwell's send
i also had dai koyamada's V16 Wheel of Life as an option but as i clicked submit my finger twitched and clicked delete on that option.... hence only three options
not sure what the hardest trad line is... i know there are some 14as but dunno of any harder lines...