Little Salmon River / Walton Glen Canyon this Saturday??

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Little Salmon River / Walton Glen Canyon this Saturday??

Postby darrell » Tue Feb 17, 2009 8:55 pm

Hope to be heading up to the camp on Friday night, and having a relatively early start going into LSR Saturday morning. Will have skidoo and trailer up there. If a bunch of people are interested in going in, most could drive to where they stop plowing, just past Crawford Lake, at corner of main rd and Shepody rd.(few kms past Adair's Wilderness Lodge). I could meet up there and skidoo people the last 10km into one of the decent paths.

Hopefully someone else may "find" a skidoo, to make the transit work faster!!

Let me know if you are interested. Should be lots of room Friday night, and or Saturday night, if some people want top crash at the camp. It is 6 kmnw past Poley Mountain, in Walker Settlement. I can give better directions later, if anyone needs them.

My cell # is 506-444-1373, although cells do not work at camp, or LSR at all!!

Camp # is 506-433-1600. If you call Friday night / Sat morning, let ring alot, or try a bit later.
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Re: Little Salmon River / Walton Glen Canyon this Saturday??

Postby darrell » Wed Feb 18, 2009 1:11 pm

Camp Directions: Received a couple of messages. Let me know if you guys are coming up (Joe, Steve &co, others??)

The camp is 6 km past Poley mountain. Drive about 3km past Poley, (staying on the main Waterford rd) You will see a sign for the Walker Settlment rd. Turn right on the Walker Settlement rd, staying hard to the right - up a steep hill. The camp is about 3 or 3 1/2 km in the Walker Settlement rd, at the corner of the Long Settlement rd - There is a signpost for the Long Settlement rd. The camp is onlt 30 ft from this corner, but is a bit hard to see as it is hidden behind a couple of big evergreen trees. It is a very old, shingled, one room schoolhouse, with new windows and skylights.

camp phone 433-1600
cell (leave message) 506-444-1373
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Re: Little Salmon River / Walton Glen Canyon this Saturday??

Postby Matt Peck » Thu Feb 19, 2009 9:48 pm

Arrrggh! Stupid school. I'd love to go guys, but Im going to have to raincheck. I'll totally help "find" a skiidoo next time though! Have a great time all, I'll get in there yet!
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Re: Little Salmon River / Walton Glen Canyon this Saturday??

Postby Joe » Tue Feb 24, 2009 9:59 am

For those of you who couldn't make it, don't worry - it was horrendous and miserable. OK, I'm lying - all the ice was incredible! Walton Glen was in the sun, warm and comfy, and hero ice. Blue Wall was fat and wet, and Green Line was beautiful. I didn't walk down to Alaska Flashback, but reports were that is looked great. The hiking along the river was a bit challenging in the deep snow, but once a snowshoe trail was packed down it was fairly easy. Seven climbers went in, and a group of 4 from SJ even camped overnight in Walton Glen. One of the most beautiful climbing spots in the northeast!
Walton Glen Falls 21 Feb 09.
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Re: Little Salmon River / Walton Glen Canyon this Saturday??

Postby Stacey » Tue Feb 24, 2009 11:13 am

that looks incredible Joe....pretty sweet lines!

we went to Cedar Camp yesterday - very nice too - will post pics and specs later....

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Re: Little Salmon River / Walton Glen Canyon this Saturday??

Postby buzzard » Wed Feb 25, 2009 7:16 pm

has anyone got gps coordinates to walton glen canyon? too late to make trip now, but would like to get in next year.
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Re: Little Salmon River / Walton Glen Canyon this Saturday??

Postby darrell » Mon Mar 02, 2009 10:13 am

Buzzard - I see you are in Kentville. I am in Wolfville. Do you get out climbing down here?

Here are some of the waypoints for LSR/WGB. I have them saved as a Garmin's topo file. If anyone wants me to email it to them that way, let me know.

Intersection of road to West LSR access & rd to Martin Head / East LSR (Campsite) access
N45 33.881 W65 15.635

West LSR AccRd2strt
N45 30.770 W65 17.935

West LSR AccRd2crnr
N45 30.633 W65 17.668

West LSR AccRd2End
N45 30.381 W65 17.895

Top (upstream) WGB just below where McCumber brook runs into WGB
N45 29.683 W65 18.154

ParkEastLSR-trail-to-campste / bottom of LSR
N45 30.000 W65 16.629

Intersection of WGB&LSR
N45 29.335 W65 17.485

N45 28.825 W65 17.065

Below Wgfalls
N45 29.655 W65 18.007

Alaska Flashblack
N45 29.180 W65 17.462
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Re: Little Salmon River / Walton Glen Canyon this Saturday??

Postby Stef » Mon Mar 02, 2009 10:52 am

Hey Darrell,

Are you thinking of going in again this year? I am keen to get in there before the ice melts.


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Re: Little Salmon River / Walton Glen Canyon this Saturday??

Postby darrell » Mon Mar 02, 2009 4:33 pm

Hey Stef,

I would like to. I may consider this coming weekend. Not sure how much rain / snow Sussex has received, or what the condition of the river would be right now for walking. But, it looks like it will be reasonably cold there for the rest of the week.

If not this weekend, I will likely be away elsewhere for the next 2 - 3 weekends, so then we would be looking at the April!!
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Re: Little Salmon River / Walton Glen Canyon this Saturday??

Postby buzzard » Mon Mar 02, 2009 7:20 pm

hey darrell
Ya my brother and I get out climbing when we can. as you know around here the weather can change pretty fast. it ain co-operating with us right now. do to work I cant make a trip to NewBrunswick but would sure like to sometime. been climbing mostly in aound halls harbour,chipman corner and windsor.
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Re: Little Salmon River / Walton Glen Canyon this Saturday??

Postby Seb » Tue Mar 03, 2009 8:04 pm

Hey Darrell,

If you’re still thinking about going up to your camp this weekend me and a few other people from Halifax (Jeremy, Veronica, and Roger maybe) might be game for making the journey. What do you think? Let me know.

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Re: Little Salmon River / Walton Glen Canyon this Saturday??

Postby darrell » Tue Mar 03, 2009 8:25 pm

Seb - I won't know for another day or two. Waiting to see what the weather is looking like, as we would have to drive back Sunday. If we go, you guys are welcome to come up.
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Re: Little Salmon River / Walton Glen Canyon this Saturday??

Postby Seb » Tue Mar 03, 2009 9:36 pm

Sounds good Darrell! Could you email me at when you’ve made a decision? Sooner than later would work best for us though so we can have some time to get organized. Hopefully everything works out.

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Re: Little Salmon River / Walton Glen Canyon this Saturday??

Postby darrell » Wed Mar 04, 2009 10:38 am

pretty sure I am going now. Likely leaving Friday around noon. Others are welcome! Camp is about 3 1/2 hours from Halifax. I may have time to check out LSR on Friday afternoon / evening, to make sure the river is passable. I think it will be OK. If not, we could always go into parlee Brook.

I may not come back till Monday morning, if it snows alot on Sunday.

Camp directions / phomne # in earlier posts.
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Re: Little Salmon River / Walton Glen Canyon this Saturday??

Postby darrell » Wed Mar 04, 2009 11:53 am

They are still plowing into Big Salmon River, so we can park at the interesection of the McCumber Brook rd. This only leave about 3-4 kms to ski, or ski-doo in, b4 walking / rapping into the climbs.

If anyone wants to come in, this is a good opportunity!
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Re: Little Salmon River / Walton Glen Canyon this Saturday??

Postby michel » Wed Mar 04, 2009 3:14 pm

Hi Darrell,

I would like to climb in the canyon on Saturday. I'll try to get a partner.

I'll call you before the weekend!
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Re: Little Salmon River / Walton Glen Canyon this Saturday??

Postby darrell » Wed Mar 04, 2009 3:41 pm

Michel - sounds good! Don't worry, if you can't find a partner - as we may have an extra person anyway - or we can climb 3!

Right now they are calling for possible rain and 8 degrees on Saturday, but that may change. It is always colder in the ravine anyway.

They are still plowing the road in. And Sussex got mostly freezing rain during the last storm, so walking may be a bit better.

I doubt if the main falls, that we climbed last time, will be good, as it has been warm, and it gets full sun. So, I was thinking of walking / rapping in to the Little Salmon River, upsteam a bit, and doing the climbs between there and the lower section where we walked to last time (where LSR meets Walton Glen brook).
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Re: Little Salmon River / Walton Glen Canyon this Saturday??

Postby michel » Wed Mar 04, 2009 4:34 pm

It sounds like I will have a partner, we are working on a vehicle to get there at this time.
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Re: Little Salmon River / Walton Glen Canyon this Saturday??

Postby michel » Fri Mar 06, 2009 9:22 am

Hi guys,

Temps are looking good for tomorrow but what are the chances of LSR Road not being plowed in the morning if it snows tonight?
If it's plowed, Don and I are going to ski in around 8:30.

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Re: Little Salmon River / Walton Glen Canyon this Saturday??

Postby darrell » Fri Mar 06, 2009 11:09 am

It is plowed now, and I doubt if it will snow enough tonight, to prevent driving in. If in doubt, be at my camp by 8 am, and you can hop in with me - 4x4. Camm the cmap in the am, if you want between 7-8am. We will see how much it snows overnight.,

We are considering going in the same route as last time, or maybe the access rd about 2-3 km before where we parked last time- to access the upper Little Salmnon River- then walk downstream.

Or, we may skidoo about 1/2 km past the signpost, where we turned left to go in last time, turn left and walk / rappel in to a point just above or below the eye of the needle (narrow canyon spot). That woudl avoid walkin gall teh way down the Walton Glen brook, if we are not going to do the top climbs.

If you call the camp in the morning, b4 8am, we will have decided where we are parking / walking in.
I will have a littke trailer behind the skidoo, so I can take more people / pack in at one time.

I am off the email / web for the weekend, so call cell or camp.

cell 506-444-1373
camp 433-1600
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Re: Little Salmon River / Walton Glen Canyon this Saturday??

Postby Stef » Sun Mar 08, 2009 7:26 pm

Hey Darrell,

Great weekend! Thanks very much for the hospitality and snow-mobile transport!


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Re: Little Salmon River / Walton Glen Canyon this Saturday??

Postby michel » Mon Mar 09, 2009 8:32 am


Thanks for all your help on Saturday. Don and I ended up climbing that thing past the Blue Wall for two pitches of WI 4 and hiked out. We enjoyed a nice break perched on top of the ridge and watcing a group climb something across the valley. Hope you guys made it out alright and had fun climbing.

We'll catch you later!
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Re: Little Salmon River / Walton Glen Canyon this Saturday??

Postby Paddlerx » Mon Mar 09, 2009 12:46 pm

yep even a short day of actual climbing turned into a moderatly epic effort on Michels and my part. Thanks for the coffee and trailfinding Darrell.

Sadly i didn't get many shots but from our high lunch perch i managed a few...and a few more from the river level.


the rest of course are over here: ... 4960_htYLw


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Re: Little Salmon River / Walton Glen Canyon this Saturday??

Postby darrell » Mon Mar 09, 2009 8:39 pm

Stef - No problem! Any time!! It's good top have a crowd in there, where it is so remote.

Michel / Don - Nice pics! Glad you guys had fun! What climb did you do? one on the same side as the Blue Line?

I don't think anyone climbed the long thin line, in Don's pictures, on the opposite side of the canyon, just across from the intersection of the two rivers, did they??
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Re: Little Salmon River / Walton Glen Canyon this Saturday??

Postby beyond_gravity » Tue Mar 10, 2009 7:22 am

That's a beautiful picture Don!

Apparently the second picture is of the first ascent of that route.

Speaking of which, can we call it "P'tit Alpin", 18m WI4, by J.Parker and V.Sutherland?
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