Half finished Work at Gibson?

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Half finished Work at Gibson?

Postby gwa » Tue Jun 24, 2008 9:57 pm

I was in to Gibson tonite, the popular cliff jumping spot near Elgin (Petitcodiac Exit from Highway between SJ and Moncton).

I'm still blown away by the sweet 20 feet routes over the deep pool. Solid hard rock with crimps. Perfect landing in super deep water.

This time I looked around a bit more. There are a couple slightly overhanging faces, about 30-35 feet that look nicely featured yet difficult. Just 100 feet up stream from the main pool. Easily accessible from the top and there are trees at the top to anchor from. You can belay from a wide dry ledge at the bottom.

There's another route to the right of the main cliff jumping spot that rises about 40 feet out of the water (shallow! water). Its an obvious line following a crack (finger to smaller than finger) the whole way up. It'd be great on a top rope with the belayer up top.

The last thing I looked at were the two pinnacles by the main pool. As I stared at the one on the right and imagined a cool face route I noticed a shiny thing, then another, four in total. But, four bolts with no hangers or nuts. Weird. Looks like a sweet route. Hopefully the person who started it goes back to finish the work. I'd like to climb it someday.

All pretty short routes and not a lot. But its a 1 minute walk from the road, gorgeous, and the water gets very warm. Moncton climbers check this shiz out.
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