• No foul language
• No pornography
• No spam
• No advertising
• No harassment (sexual or otherwise)
• No copyrighted material without the author's permission

These conditions apply to all user-submitted (or mod- or admin-submitted) content on climbeasterncanada.com, including but not limited to User comments on Forum Topics, and Signatures. They are applied at the moderators' and administrators' discretion. If you choose to use this forum, you agree to abide by the policies of this Terms Of Use agreement. Users not abiding by these terms can have their accounts deleted and IP banned by the moderators of this private forum. If you are unsure whether something is suitable for posting, please contact a moderator or administrator before submitting it. We appreciate such forethought.

Privacy (and Private Messages):
Privacy is held in high regard at climbeasterncanada.com. User passwords are stored as encrypted cipher text, the tables containing PM's are not available via administrative interfaces to the database, and reading through a user's messages without consent or legal subpoena is grounds for removal from this site. Posting the contents of emails or private messages without consent from the sender, is not permitted in this forum and doing so can result in a user having their account deleted and IP banned by the moderators. If the owners and operators of this site are subpoenaed in an investigation of a user, we will co-operate with the relevant authorities and your information may be seized by the agencies involved. This includes, but is not limited to, submitted photographs, profile information, private messages, email, chat records, and all forum posts. Short of a legal obligation to do so, there is no acceptable reason for the owners or volunteer administrators to invade a user's privacy; such behavior is cause for review and indefinite suspension.

Climbeasterncanada.com is not responsible for messages posted on the CEC.com Forums or the content therein. Unless expressly stated otherwise, this includes messages posted by Climbeasterncanada.com personnel, representatives, moderators, administrators, and their agents by proxy. You use the site and the information contained within it at your own risk.

Climbing is a sport where you may be seriously injured or die. All readers of this forum are advised to seek professional instruction prior to attempting the activities depicted and discussed in this website.
Everything on this site could be completely, dangerously false. We cannot accept liability for your actions should you choose to rely on the information which users have contributed to the site.



In addition to the Terms Of Use listed above, members of the Climb Eastern Canada moderating team, refered to herein as the MOD team, will use the following rules as general guidelines to ensure uniform moderation. The Moderating Guidelines are not policy as in the Terms of Use but will be followed as closely as possible. All cases are different and will be evaluated as such on a case-by-case basis.

• In accordance with the Terms of Use above, foul language and innapropriate material will be edited from your posts by the MOD team and replaced with (content moderated) in bold red letters. Repetitive violation will result in a warning.
• Users not conforming to the Terms of Use above will receive a warning from a member of the MOD team via private message (PM) or email.
• New threads only need to be posted once in the proper forum sub-heading. Duplicate threads will be deleted by a member of the MOD team.
• Threads shall be located in their appropriate forum sub-heading. Moderators will move threads to their appropriate location leaving behind a shodow topic.
• Hijacked threads will be split by a member of the MOD team followed by a post letting users know that the thread has been split.
• When a member of the MOD team feels a thread should be locked, it shall be temporarily locked until the MOD team can review the issue and come to a concensus. A member of the MOD team will post a message before locking the thread stating: "This topic has been temporarily locked by the CEC MOD team for review." During a temporary lock, parallel threads pertaining to the thread will be deleted until the MOD team has re-opened the thread for discussion.
• When a thread has been permanently locked following review by the MOD team, a detailed explanation will be given by a member of the MOD team and the thread will remain locked. All new threads started in parallel pertaining to the same "locked" issue will be deleted by members of the MOD team.
• If a user would like to request that a thread be locked they shall private message (PM) or email a member of the MOD team with a detailed explanation. The MOD team will review the request followed by action if required.

Updated by F.Berube  2007.07.21